Two of Wands

2 of Wands



The Two of Wands is Chokmah in Atzilut. It is the power of Wisdom in the world of Fire. Coming out of the Ace (potential of Fire), the Two of Wands brings reason and creativity into raw energy. It is Fire at its best.


The Two of Wands is that very fiery creative power that flies from within and the whole world is its oyster.

In this card are two fiery wands, flying from the silhouette of a person. They are aimed up and in different direction.  Inside the silhouette we see the gates opening up to a very bright and sunny landscape (Dominion).  You are on your way to creation.

The Two of Wands is that very fiery creative power that flies from within and the whole world is its oyster.

In this card are two fiery wands, flying from the silhouette of a person. They are aimed up and in different direction.  Inside the silhouette we see the gates opening up to a very bright and sunny landscape (Dominion).  You are on your way to creation.


  • Harmony of rule and justice
  • Creative growth
  • Creative (spiritual) authority over others (Dominion)
  •  Ambition
  • Planning/preparation
  • Boldness/ fearlessness

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Picture of Marina


Marina is a Certified Medium and Professional Tarot Advisor and Instructor. She developed this unique proven method of learning the Tarot because she believes that anyone who wants to, can master the cards. Marina is convinced that with the help of the Tarot, anyone has the potential to unlock their inner psychic.


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